We are currently in the midst of a complete overhaul of the AreaOne.org website but registration for AreaOne 2016 is now open. Visit the "registration" page to get your group signed up which gets you early-bird pricing and priority housing assignments. Have questions? Give us a call today at 888.GOAREA1 ext 2.
In a world of chaos and craziness, how do you stand firm and stay grounded in your faith? The AreaOne SummerCON 2015 theme, STAND, is dedicated to giving youth the tools to be confident in their faith so they won't be moved by the storms and worries of this world. Check out the new promo video "Stand" to learn more about the summer event. Want your group to attend one of the 2015 SummerCONs? Early bird pricing for registering is still in effect until September 30th. To register your group call us at 888.GOAREA1 ext 2 or choose the online registration button below. Recently, Rachel recorded a video to help youth pastors navigate registering for AreaOne 2015. Rachel describes the easy three step process to register your youth group. For years, Rachel Butler has been the writer behind the morning am:DEVOS found in the AreaOne student journals. This year in addition to those duties she took to the camera to talk about some of the things God has shared with her. This video is second in a series of three that was shown at AreaOne 2014 as part of the morning devotional time. I love the Mississippi river. Its power, majesty and beauty is easy to recognize and appreciate. Being from Memphis I have spent much of my life on and in that river. While I can attest that it tastes terrible, and may make you glow in the dark, it's an amazing sight. I have faith that it will continue running and that it will be there today and tomorrow. But, it's an informed faith, not a blind faith. My faith in Christ is the same - what I know and what was written about Him speaks to the depth and complexity of Christianity. As a result I walk confidently in my faith and relationship with God. Is your faith is blind? What if your questions about Christianity could be answered? How might that change how you live? Recently, AreaOne 2015 keynote speaker, Alan Shlemon, recorded a message for youth pastors who are exploring attending a SummerCON. If you are looking for a weeklong event that does more than entertain your students, look no further. Alan almost gave up on his faith when he entered college. He was unable to answer basic questions about his Christianity that were proposed to him by friends. Because of his lack of knowledge, and confidence, he was tempted to give up on Jesus. Until, that is, a Christian professor was able to answer his questions in a way that was simple and clear. Because of this, Alan was inspired to "devote my life to training believers to articulate their convictions in a winsome manner.” AreaOne was created to inspire, train, and mobilize teenagers to live out every aspect of their lives from a Christian perspective. We have a passion to see youth staying grounded in their faith. You can see Alan live at AreaOne's 2015 summer conferences. Click here to learn more. For AreaOne 2014 we recorded a series of videos based on our theme, "I Am". This video was created in response to many who claim Christianity can't be true because it can't be scientifically proven. Ironically, many things that we know to be factually true can't be "scientifically" proven. In this video we applied odds and statistics to biblical prophecy which resulted in learning some crazy math. This video was shot by Timid Monster at the former Millington Naval Air Station outside of Memphis, Tennessee. The plane was a former Fedex 727 that had been donated to a training academy. Built sometime in the 1960's the inside was at the same time frightening and fascinating. The cockpit was was a ruined time capsule and we had fun trying to imagine all the places the plane could had been though its journeys. Recently, AreaOne 2015 keynote speaker, Alan Shlemon, recorded a message for students who are considering attending the event. You can see Alan live at AreaOne's 2015 conferences. Click here to learn more. This is the second in our 2014 AreaOne Conference video series. After our first video with the race car we decided to go out for pizza. After all, you can have anything you want on pizza... or can you? Our American "have it your way" culture shapes most aspects in our lives. However, it can be funny when our ridiculous expectations collide with reality. This video was shot with Rachel's sister, Ashley, and her husband Dave. Dan Baker, independent filmaker from Timid Monster, made us look great. Thanks for helping us put this together! |
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